Sunday, November 27, 2011

Some Of My Favorite Movie Quotes

I enjoy quoting movie quotes.  Some quotes are inspirational, others funny, and others just good.

"No. Try not.  Do or do not.  There is no try!"  -  Yoda (Star Wars)

"Your focus determines your reality."  -  Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)

"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."  -  Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)

"Size matters not.  Look at me.  Judge me by size do you?"  -  Yoda (Star Wars)

"May the Force be with you."  - (Star Wars)

"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."  -  Batman/Bruce Wayne (Batman Begins)

"And why do we fall, Bruce?  So we can learn to pick ourselves up."  -  Thomas Wayne (Batman Begins)

"Oh, and by the way, the suit, it wasn't cheap.  You oughta know, you bought it."  -  Joker (The Dark Knight)

"Why so serious?"  -  Joker (The Dark Knight)

"You guys want to get pancakes?"  -  Marvin Boggs (Red)

"Open the pig!  Open the pig!"  -  Frank Moses (Red)

"I kill people, dear."  -  Victoria (Red)

"At age 11, I audited my parents.  Believe me, there were some discrepancies, and I was grounded."  -  Allen Gamble (The Other Guys)

"I'm like a peacock, you gotta let me fly!"  -  Terry Hoitz (The Other Guys)

"Gentlemen, you have two choices: Mamma Mia or Jersey Boys."  -  David Ershon (The Other Guys)

"What do you wear, size 3?  Bring it happy feet!"  -  Gunner Jensen (The Expendables)

"I need a raise."  -  Yin Yang (The Expendables)

"Everything is harder for me.  When I'm hurt, wound is bigger, cause I'm smaller.  When I travel, I need to go farther."  -  Yin Yang (The Expendables)

"I love it when a plan comes together."  -  Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith (The A-Team)

"I'm B.A. and you're gonna be unconscious."  -  Sgt. Bosco 'B.A.' Baracus (The A-Team)

"Yes we have weapons.  No you may not wand us."  -  Lynch (The A-Team)

"You spin me right round baby, right round!"  -  Captain 'Howling Mad' Murdock (The A-Team)

"Light bulb."  -  Gru (Despicable Me)

"You may run the risks, my friend, but I do the cutting.  We cut down my percentage - uh, cigar? - liable to interfere with my aim."  -  Blondie (The Good, The Bad,and The Ugly)

"You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.  Those with loaded guns and those who dig.  You dig."  -  Blondie (The Good, The Bad,and The Ugly)

"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."  -  Tuco (The Good, The Bad,and The Ugly)

"I don't know who you are.  I don't know what you want.  If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money.  But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.  If you let my daughter go now, that will be the end of it.  I will not look for you, I will not pursue you.  But  if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."  -  Bryan (Taken)

"Hakuna Matata"  -  Timon (The Lion King)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why Direct Selling?

There are just about 14 million Americans involved in direct selling having generated around $30 billion in revenue.  Got your attention yet?  Warren Buffet the billionaire investor and one of the world's wealthiest men started investing in several direct selling companies.  Would you take financial advice from Buffet?  I would.  He has also declared that, "Energy deregulation will be responsible for the largest transfer of wealth in American history."  I loved hearing that statement since I am a part of a direct selling company taking advantage of the deregulated energy market.  

What is direct selling otherwise known as network marketing, multilevel marketing, or relationship marketing?  For those of you that had this thought, "pyramid scheme", I will get to you in a moment. Direct selling is the sale of a product or a service, person to person, away from a fixed retail location. The person doing the selling is an independent associate whose focus is to sell and recruit other associates into the business.  I would even say that recruiting should be the primary focus as the selling will come naturally through recruiting.  The reason for recruiting new associates is that through their sales, you will receive residual income or passive income.  This is how most get wealthy.  Is money important?  Do we all need money?  We sure do but I have also discovered something else just as important.  Would you like to take a guess?  If you did guess TIME then you are correct.  I currently do also work a "9-5" job.  It takes me about an hour to get to work and another hour to get back home.  So I work an 8 hour day and spend another 2 hours commuting.  How are your stress levels in rush hour traffic? Do you find yourself tired when you get home with no energy to spend quality time with family or friends?  Are you also doing work at home and taking on extra projects so that you will be noticed and possibly be considered for a promotion?  Do you become upset when someone else less deserving gets that promotion?  Tired of office politics?  I want to spend quality time with my family.  I want to be available for someone in need socially and financially.  I want to be more involved in church and other charities.  Working in direct selling gives you both money and time.  Just to be clear, you do have to work hard with any direct selling venture you take on especially in the beginning.  You work hard to build the business, your business, and as you successfully grow the business will sustain itself meaning passive income will come to you regardless of whether you are working, on vacation, retired, playing golf, or whatever else you like to do in your spare time.

Direct selling is NOT a get rich quick business.  Any company that presents it as such should signal a red flag.  It is NOT about you buying a ton of products up front.  It is NOT expensive to get into.  It is NOT for the lazy.  You still have to work at it if you want to see growth.  It is NOT a pyramid.  A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that requires you to recruit people under you in order for you to make money without the selling of any product or service.  In a direct selling business, recruitment is required BUT you as the recruiter does not make a dime unless the associates you have recruited make money off the products or services they have sold.  The difference here is that in a direct selling business model, both you and the associate you have recruited benefit financially.  It is a win-win situation.  In a pyramid, only the person who has done the recruiting has made any money.  Oh, and by the way, pyramids are illegal.

Several reasons to consider direct selling:

1. The moment you join a direct selling company, you are in business. YOUR BUSINESS!
2. You do not have to reinvent the wheel.  The direct selling company you have joined has already figured out how you to work the business.
3. You are not alone!  You have joined a business under someone else and have the support of the team you have joined.  Remember direct selling is a win-win business.
4. You will make new friends.  As stated in reason 3, you will be part of a team all with the same goals as you.
5. Direct selling may be the ideal or ultimate people business.  What makes you successful in this business is the desire to help other people. WIN-WIN!
6. Having your own business grants you many tax incentives.
7. You make your own hours.
8. You are the boss.
9. It can be a family business.  Your family can be involved.
10. Make residual or passive income!  

In today's economy, people are hurting to make ends meet.  Direct selling can be the answer.  Whether you are looking to make an extra $500 a month or want to pursue it full time, the income possibilities are endless.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hunter and Kali

Hunter and Kali
Meet Hunter and Kali or as I call them, Chocolate and Vanilla.  I inherited Hunter when I married my lovely bride.  He is currently 8 years old and a great dog.  He is very obedient.  He is lovable and loves to get affection. We got Kali when my wife decided to walk into a shelter, saw her and had to have her.  We may have saved her life.  The shelter sad to say was a kill shelter and any dog they took in that they thought had pit bull in them were given 7 days to be claimed otherwise were put down.Kali was thought to be a pit bull.  I don't think she is full pit bull but probably has some pit bull in her. She had arrived at the shelter the same day my wife saw her.  She was found wandering in a state park with no collar.  She is such a sweetheart.  It took me a while to warm up to her because Hunter was my boy but unlike Hunter she loves to give affection.  It was hard not to love her because of that.  She is currently 2 years old and was figured to be 6 months old when we got her.  One really good thing about her is that she got Hunter in shape really fast.  Before we adopted Kali, Hunter being an 8 year old mostly sat around the house and going on walks with my wife and I were the extent of his exercise.  Kali on the other hand is full of energy and would not leave Hunter alone.  She keeps him mobile all the time as she forces him to chase her.  Watching them in the backyard is fun because she is just too fast for him.

Needless to say, I love my dogs.  =)

Kali trying to get my attention