Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why So Many Fail In Home Based Businesses

Ever wonder why so many people that start a home based business fail to succeed?  I believe the main reason is lack of respect for their business. The initial investment to start the business was probably in the range of $200-500.  Not much overhead expenses and as a result easy to become complacent.  What if one started a traditional business?  One involving a storefront location, employees, inventory, etc.  Wouldn't you be more attentive with a traditional business where you have invested thousands of dollars?  Of course you would.  Don't get me wrong. I am a big fan of home based business.  Working from home is such a huge plus.  Just imagine the time you save and stress you eliminate by not dealing with rush hour commuting.  

Of course there are other reasons why one may not be successful in their home based business.  Perhaps their 9-5 jobs are more like a 7-7 job when you factor in from the time you get out of bed, getting ready and the commute to and from work.  Spending time with the family when you get home is important and also time consuming.  

It is time to start respecting your home based business!  If you truly realized the income potential and truly believe in yourself that you can succeed, then you would also realize that the reasons you always felt were holding you back from turning your home based business into a huge success were simply excuses.





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