Friday, September 30, 2011

The Cost Of Staying Positive

"It's not as bad as it seems.  I'm cool.  I'm alright.  It could be worse.  No matter what, I will stay positive." 

Have you ever faced a difficult circumstance?  Struggling financially?  Did not get that promotion at work you were hoping for?  Are you that optimist that has motivational posters or sticky notes by your desk full of positive and motivational quotes?  Most of us are smart enough to know that a negative attitude will reap negative results.  A negative attitude will produce fear and fear can cripple you from moving on.  A negative attitude can also cripple your relationships.  It can be a friendship, dating relationship, work relationship or even marriage.  The reality is we have to be positive no matter what.  Is it as easy as just reciting positive quotes and putting up motivational posters by our desks?  They do help but you have to consistently and purposefully work at being positive.  Remember earlier I mentioned that a negative attitude will produce fear.  Well, action cures fear so "just do it"!  Listed below are some action steps you can take:

1.   Read motivational books, magazines, etc.
2.   Work out!  Exercise has many physical benefits but it also relieves mental stress and tension.
3.   Go out!  Be social.  Spend time with family and friends.
4.   Avoid negative people.
5.   No pity parties!
6.   Pursue what interests you.  What are your hobbies?
7.   Try new things.
8.   Take the time to learn something new.
9.   Procrastinating about something you have put aside that needs to get done?  Get it done!
10. Avoid burn out.  Reward yourself when you accomplish goals.

Staying positive means you have to take action.  Is there a cost to staying positive?  There sure is. Is it worth it?



Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Finally, I am blogging!


I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time.  So finally, here I am!  Just please be patient with me as I figure out the ins and outs of blogging as I will be experimenting with the designs and templates and everything else that goes with blogging.

My goal is to blog about topics such as success in business, leadership skills, finances, aviation, and just about life in general.  Of course, I am not limiting myself to other topics.  These are just some of my favorites.

So stay tuned!